Jason Dufner wins the PGA Championship at the age of 36

Jason Dufner wins the PGA Championship at the age of 36. He provided a ball-striking performance to remember—a week of golf his idol Ben Hogan would have been very appreciative of. By the way, not unlike his idol, Dufner was a bit shaky with the flat stick, but he stuck it close enough that even with that issue it never surfaced on Sunday. He was his usual stoic self showing no emotion on the outside but admitting to being a fireball inside.

Dufner overcame a devastating loss two years ago in the PGA at the Atlanta Athletic Club blowing a 3 stroke lead with 4 holes to play, and eventually losing a playoff to Keegan Bradley. Bradley was the first to congratulate Jason after his victory Sunday with a bear hug.

This young man starting out his life on the shores of Lake Erie, Cleveland, Ohio then on to Fort Lauderdale, Florida, next to Auburn University where he was a walk-on golfer to major champion is an amazing true rags to riches story.

Lee Trevino won his first major at Oak Hill in 1968. Now, 45 years later, Jason Dufner wins his first major at the same venue. Trevino the all-time rags to riches story must be very proud of Dufner because they are from the same mold—their own. They did it their way—Trevino with his homemade swing and Dufner with his old-fashioned waggle.

He walks like he is about to fall asleep and yet he has the look of “I want to kill you.” This young man has “IT” and you can’t buy IT, you can’t fake IT and you cannot manufacture IT. You either have IT or you don’t. He is a marketer’s dream—look for commercials popping up everywhere with Jason Dufner selling products. He is down-to-earth Americana and now has 8 months to savor this victory before the next major, which is of course, The Masters.

Jason Dufner drops off the list of golfers who have not won a major—the list has dwindled a bit this year, with Adam Scott and Justin rose also winning majors for the first time. This great year in golf continues with the Fed Ex Cup in two weeks and the ladies Solheim Cup this week. Oh, now its time to toot my own horn I did pick Dufner to win the PGA—that’s three in a row for me. Stick to me like glue and you can’t go wrong!

Congratulations to the newest major champion Jason Dufner the 95th PGA Champion.

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