Donald Trump is Good for Golf

“The Donald” is really good for the game of golf.

Trump Golfing

He absolutely adores golf and it shows not only in his single digit handicap but also in his passion for owning and in some cases redesigning great golfing venues.  He currently owns 14 golf courses.  Some of them are resorts not just any kind of resort but world-class five star resorts.

The game of golf right now, in 2013, has stagnated in growth both in number of players and courses opening.  In fact, in the last decade more courses have closed than have been started, but Trump defies that trend.  He is tearing up the Doral resort and putting a 200 million investment in the property to remake the “Blue Monster,” the showcase course at the resort, and the host of the WGC Cadillac Championship.

The game needs people like Trump who have amazing passion for the game and literally put their money where their mouth is.  He can be contentious at times but make no mistake, if he believes in a project it happens.  I can’t wait to see what the famed Doral Blue Monster looks like at next year’s WGC—I think it really will be the Blue Monster it used to be.  Way to go Mr. Trump!

Have you ever visited one of his courses? Which is your favorite?

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