no excuses

No Excuses Allowed!!!

Golfers are so quick to come up with excuses why they are playing poorly. There are many and frankly, none of them are worthwhile or proactive. They all lead to additional poor play which leads to less enjoyment of the game and often a bad lingering taste in the mouth of the golfer.

It’s funny how quick we are to come up with excuses. The biggest ingrained decision that many amateurs make is… “ I guess it’s just not my day today…”. This one gets me the most because as soon as you have said that, what you have done is given yourself an excuse to play lousy that day. Since you have said it out loud to the entire group , it is not only expected to happen, it is excused as O.K. for that day.

You might as well pack up your stuff and get in your car and leave the course as you are doomed. Instead of that response to a slow start, you should tell yourself that you have played great golf in the past and you will play great golf today. Do not allow yourself to have excuses—because they will become reality.

If you change your thinking and excuses are left to the other guy, you will prosper on the course. By not allowing excuses to enter the picture at any time, you will move forward and your greater golf will come out. Remember, tell yourself out loud if necessary, “I have played great before and I will play great today.”

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