Something is missing in the Playoffs.

I know the playoffs are here, and I know I should be extra excited, but I am not.–008.jpg

There is something missing and I know what it is—the greatest players in the world, who for the most part are already very wealthy –  are just chasing money.  I get pumped up when they are chasing majors, playing on historical courses, and chasing the sport’s iconic records, but  none of that exists here.  No offense, especially for Liberty National, but it is not historical in any way or fashion.  It is just another golf course.

In addition, when you can not only miss the cut but not even play in the event and still advance something is amiss.  Both of these occurred this week. Zach Johnson and Steve Stricker passed on the event for good reasons, but they still passed knowing that their carryover points were more than enough for them to advance. Many players missed the cut and they also will advance to the Deutche Bank.  Including Ernie Els, Graeme Mc Dowell, Dustin Johnson and Lee Westwood to mention only a few.  They should be bid a fond farewell—see you next year.  But they indeed will play next week.

I have the solution—everyone starts from scratch—zero points carryover from the regular season. The pressure would be fantastic—single elimination—I would be glued on every shot.  That would be a true playoff system and would be so compelling.  That way a true playoff champion would be crowned.