The PGA Tour is About Business

The PGA Tour is about business
photo credit: jurvetson via photopin cc

The PGA Tour is a business. Simple statement isn’t it?  The Tour for some of the players at times doesn’t appear to be fun or a game.  It is serious business for many.  It’s about keeping your tour standing for some trying to get exempt for the remainder of the current year for others and for still others it’s about resume building to get into majors.  For me that leaves something missing—playing for the pure joy of being able to play golf for a living.  It is a sign of our times on Tour.  I am not sure 10% of the guys on tour play simply for the pure joy of playing.  I guess for me its because golf was taken away from me for 18 months due to sickness that when I play I appreciate every aspect of the game to its fullest.

If you play golf for a living and do not have that joy in your heart., you are leaving something valuable on the table—love.

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