Did the Web.com Tour Finals work? Maybe, but it was certainly misnamed.

It is all over. Tour school or Web.com Tour Finals or whatever you want to call it is over and its now time to allow the dust to settle.


Did it work? Did you understand it? Did you even care enough to try to understand it? These are questions thePGATour needs to address.

It really should not have been called the Web.com Tour Finals because half of the field was from thePGATour in the first place. I believe that the Web.Com company via paying thePGATour some $10 Million annually for the umbrella sponsorship demanded that their name be on this 4 tournament package of events, even if it was misnamed.

The Tour was not going to displace this $10 million sponsor and upset the first year of a 12 year sponsorship to make sure the fans understood the events. No way, but now that it is over and one year is under everyone’s belt, they need to tweak it to the point that only Web.Com players participate, or simply come up with a marketable name to enhance the events going forward.

Like when they changed the Senior Tour to call it the Champions Tour. That sounds better.

Come up with a better name, make it tour qualifying school only and it will work and be understandable going forward.